The Primary Pantry In which I attempt to say something helpful about stocking a pantry.

This page is a work-in-progress. And, when I say “pantry”, I mean the unrefrigerated closet that may or may not be kept cooler than the kitchen. The items listed here do not require refrigeration in their closed state. All the stuff listed below is there because I found it while making a pandemic-ready pantry inventory in the Winter of 2020. Then I got interrupted and spent months and months worrying, and now I’m back, I’m not afraid, and not only am I not Gloria Gainer, I’m not convinced that a list of the stuff in my pantry will help you with stocking yours at all.

I mean, you’re going to think of putting flour, sugar, salt, canned tomatoes in there yourself, right?

So where does this leave us and how can this page be helpful?


  • Flour both Enriched and Whole Wheat
  • Cornstarch
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Bread crumbs


  • Tomatoes (whole or chopped, whatever is on sale)
  • Artichokes (canned in water)


  • Whipping cream (Ultra pasturized. It works in a pinch.)
  • Coconut cream


  • Bar-b-Que Sauces
  • Pizza sauce
  • Tomato salsa (hot & mild)