Journal Entries and Notes

Every now and then something will happen around food or maybe marketing and I get around to writing about it. Maybe it has nothing really to do with recipes or the basic of methods of cooking, but still the writing of it pleased me. Those land here, as journal entries. There aren’t very many of them right now. There may never be. And yet, I think: Let us give them a home and see what happens.

Farmers Market - Autumn Tomatoes

One of the most wonderful things about Autumn is the harvest. The last really warm rays of sunshine, the apples and pears, the anticipation of brussels sprouts and snow -- and the tomatoes.

Dad's Garbage Soup

When I think of kitchen patterns I think of my Mom's steak soup, rich with veggies and ground beef, just a slight shift away from beef stew, stroganoff, minestroni.

School Days

Here I am, fifty years later, still fighting the good fight and mostly losing but never giving up.